Serviciul de Relații Internaționale și Afaceri Europene

The International Relations and Community Programmes Department, founded in 1998, coordinates and extends the international relations among universities.
• It promotes the policy of affiliation to international academic organizations;
• It provides and monitors the participation of the didactic staff and students in seminars, conferences, symposia and international congresses;
• It coordinates the programmes financed by the European Commission;
• It provides the teaching staff and students with continuous and correct information on international programmes and scholarships financed by the Romanian Government and other national and international financing sources.
• It concludes the university international cooperation agreements;
• It coordinates the relationship of the university with mass-media and promotes an accurate image of the institution;
• It provides support to the faculties and departments in their promotion at a national and international level;
• It coordinates the activities of attracting foreign students;
• It creates the university database in what concerns the international relations activity.